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Club Penguin Music Jam 2009 Cheats!

July 17, 2009

Hey ppl! Yes, the Music Jam 2009 is finally here! Check out the sweet cheats!

First go over to the Cove, and pick up the new item, Green Headphones which is available to everyone!

Now, for rest of the cheats, you have to be a member 😦

Anyways, for the cheats coming now, you would require a VIP pass! You can get it from the Merchandise shop at the Snow Forts

Next, to Night Club Roof Top has returned and and there’s a free item there! The Boom Box (again :@)!

And finally, the Backstage! The Backstage, like the last time, is located at the Dock, and it is there, where you can buy Instruments, and get a chance to meet the Penguin Band!

You can buy the Instruments from the special Music Catalog! Check out the 2 Music Catalog cheats-

Click on the “i” to get the Snare Drum and Drum Sticks!

Next, click on the “o” to get the Black Electric Guitar!

Well, thats all the cheats! Which one is your favorite room? Mine is probably the Coffee Shop… you should really check it out!

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2 Comments leave one →
  1. July 17, 2009 9:43 pm

    awsome site.Please visit

  2. ghmidorigh permalink
    July 17, 2009 10:41 pm

    The party is awsome! NIce Cheats and Site!

    comment back at

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